Monday, April 30, 2012


Less then two hundred years Islam went from not existing to being the religious and political organizing principal of the largest empires of the world. The early Islamic empire was really good at winning wars. The Arabian peninsula was like a crazy religious melting pot. Arabia was home to monotheism. Byzantine empire was the eastern capital of Rome. Sassanian empire was also called the Sassanid empire. The northern part of Arabia was sandwiched between the Byzantine empire and the Persians Sassanian empire and you'll remember that they were always fighting. Muslims believed that god sent Muhammad as the final prophet to bring people back to the one true religion. Muhammad was a 40ish guy who made his living as a caravan trader. Muhammad society was intensely tribal. most tribal Arabs worshiped gods very similar to the Mesopotamia gods. The Kaaba is located in Mecca. The Muslims have to face the Kaaba when praying. Christianity and Judaism grew up in the east cost of the Mediterranean. Tribal ties were extremely important Muslims submitted to the will of good and they became one of the UMMAH. Muhammad wouldn't shut up about their was only one god which was really bad news for the Quraysh Tribe because they were in charged of the idol in Mecca. A person who submits to Allah is called a Muslim. The Kaaba is a meteorite sized of a basketball. Western People know so little about Islamic history because we don't learn about it because were taught that our history is the story of Christianity in Europe when in fact our history is history about the world. In the time of Muhammad, many colt statues of the Mesopotamia gods were collected and put in the Kaaba. The Five Pillar of Islam Shahadah: Acceptance of Muhammad, Salat: Prayer, Zakat: Alms, Sawm of Ramadan: Fasting and Haji: Pilgrimage of Mecca. The Five Pillars of Islam are the basic acts that Sunni Muslims must do. To most muslims, the 72 virgins do not exist. The Koran is the word of god. Islam has supplementary sacred text. Abraham was included in the Koran, like lots of other prophets. The Koran is the bible of the Muslim religion, so to speak. You are not allowed to make pictures of Muhammad. Mohammed died in 632 BCE. The angel Gabriel appeared to Mohammed and told him to recite the word of god. The Koran was written by Mohammed. Mohammed became a prophet of Allah because he saw a vision of him. An adherent of Islam is called a Muslim. In Muslim religion, you must make a pilgrimage to Mecca. The disabled, poor and the sick didn't have to do much in the Muslim Religion. In Islamic religion, there is only one god, Allah.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sex Cells

Mitosis replicates a cell with a complete set of 46 chromosomes into daughter cells that are each Identical to each other. Mitosis is when a cell splits to two. Meiosis is just like mitosis except twice. Girls and boys both have sperm cells. You need cells to reproduce. There are very good reasons why you can't split into to two like your cells because your clone will look like half your dad and mom. We all come from one single cell. Chromosomes can trade DNA. All eggs produced by the same woman have a slightly different genetic code; the same for sperm and men. Meiosis is a cell that allows you to do sexual reproduction. Only eukaryotic cells can use Mitosis. Brothers and sisters sometimes look like each other or not look like each other, but they have the same mom and dad. Kids have their mother's cells. Boys have xy chromosomes and girls have xx chromosomes every person has x chromosomes but only boys have y chromosomes. Egg cells are the biggest cells. If the sperm is a x you're a girl, if the sperm is a y you're a boy. Sex cells are not the same All of your body cells contain the same mix of DNA 46 chromosomes grouped into 23 pairs one in each pair is from your mom the other is from your dad. The pairs of chromosomes are very similar but not identical they contain versions of the same genes, or alleles in any spot for any given trait since they're so similar their called Homologous chromosome pairs mean the same. Meiosis was discovered in sea urchin eggs in 1876 by a German biologist called Oscar Hertwig It was described again in 1883. Mitosis and  was observed first by Walther Flemming. Mitosis has lots of stages, like: Interphase, Preprophase, Prophase, Prometaphase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase and Cytokinesis. You cannot look like your mom or your dad, but you can look like your brother or sister. Just like Mitosis theirs a spell between rounds of cell definition where the cells are gearing up for the next big split, and this is called interface when all the key players are replicating them selves the long strings of DNA in the Nucleus begin to duplicate leaving two copies of every strand. Meiosis II, Process ends with Telophase II. Polar bodies are useless, Polar bodies are not useless for plants. Mitosis and Meiosis are very similar. When chromosomes are attached, they are called the chromatid. Life would be more less stress full if you had a clone. You need sperm cells to reproduce. The sperm shares genetic information with the egg. Chromosomes share genetic information. You have a billion cells. All of our sex cells are not the same.


On Saturday, I went to a place called Fontana somewhere in Clark. I discovered that Clark used to be an air force base and Subic used to be a navy base. I saw lots of people that work in the military; I also saw two guys with a helmet and vest.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How I Made My Simple Rocket launcher

I created a card board rocket launcher. I don't exactly know why. Step by step, I made the card board rocket launcher and this is how I made it.

1. You need lots of card board shaped like a square and a rectangle, tape, paper and a box cutter.

2. Roll a rectangle out of card board, lock the side with tape. After that, under the rectangle, use the cutter to cut a square hole.

3. Make a rectangular handle out of card board. Lock the side with tape. Put the handle in the hole and tighten it using tape.

4. Roll a rectangular paper. Then cut it in half and tape it to the rocket launcher to make a sight.

5. At the end of the rocket launcher make a square cover that can open and close to make the reloading.

6. Role a rectangle that can fit in the rocket launcher. And cut out small triangles and tape them to the end of the rectangle.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


You are made of trillions of cells. Inside each cell there's a nucleus and the nucleus stores your DNA. The nucleus in your cell controls everything that goes on in your cell. Mitosis means one cell splitting in to two. Mitosis was first observed by a German biologist by the name of Walther_Flemming who in 1878 was studying the tissue of salamander gills and fins. You have 46 chromosomes grouped into 23 pairs one from your mom the other is from your dad cells with all 46 pairs are called diploid cells. Half of the Diploid cells are called Haploid cells.

Fall of rome

The Roman Empire didn't really fall until the middle of the fifteenth century but the city of Rome fell one thousand years before that. So Rome continued in its new home in Constantinople. The city of Rome was conquered by barbarians in 476 CE. The last Roman Emperor, Romolus Agustus, ruled the empire for less then a year before being deposed and sent into exile by Odoacer. After 476 CE there was never again a roman emperor in Rome. The Romans hated pants they thought pants were barbarous they thought people wearing pants was the definition of lacking civilization.

The Hike

On Saturday I had to wake up at 4:20 am and go to my friend's house. I had to go on a long hot hike up one mountain, with two peaks, with Diego, our guide, and his dog, that followed us, called Blacky. We found lots of medicines for cancer, snake venom, stomach aches, mosquito bites and lots of other medicines. We also found lots of tea plants. And we drank out of bamboo. We found two carabaos, one was a female and the other was a male. He was really aggressive. He started showing his teeth, and the Diego told us they had calves. We found lots of Army Ants. Finally we were at the top. On our way back we swam in the river; it was freezing.

Mount Barrak


Banana flower

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Christianity from Judaism to the Constantine

By the time Jesus was born the land of the Israeli have been absorbed in to the Roman Empire as the province of Judea. And the Romans crucified Jesus because he was a threat to their authority. At the time of Jesus' birth, Judea was under the control of Herod the Great who is best known of building the massive in temple in Jerusalem.

When I was Sick

I got diarrhea. It was a bad experience. It was stinky so it was gross and irritating. I felt horrible. I didn't take bed rest, I only watched TV. I took medicine. But it wasn't effective. I was sick for about nine days. I still feel bad today but I hope I'll be fine tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

DNA & Hot Pockets

Amino acids are molecules containing an amine group, a carboxylic acid group, and a side chain that is specific to each amino acid. Amino acids serve as the building blocks of proteins. Some amino acids don't like to hold hands with two others.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

My Thursday

My Thursday was ordinary. It was sunny. I felt dry yet  I'm happy. I finished 10 problems in the Math period. Then, I discovered that Julius Caesar served both the army and the senate in my History. After that,  I discovered that DNA is what stores are genetic instructions. And lastly, I designed a board that looks like the Shark Tooth Black Box in TF2.