Monday, April 30, 2012


Less then two hundred years Islam went from not existing to being the religious and political organizing principal of the largest empires of the world. The early Islamic empire was really good at winning wars. The Arabian peninsula was like a crazy religious melting pot. Arabia was home to monotheism. Byzantine empire was the eastern capital of Rome. Sassanian empire was also called the Sassanid empire. The northern part of Arabia was sandwiched between the Byzantine empire and the Persians Sassanian empire and you'll remember that they were always fighting. Muslims believed that god sent Muhammad as the final prophet to bring people back to the one true religion. Muhammad was a 40ish guy who made his living as a caravan trader. Muhammad society was intensely tribal. most tribal Arabs worshiped gods very similar to the Mesopotamia gods. The Kaaba is located in Mecca. The Muslims have to face the Kaaba when praying. Christianity and Judaism grew up in the east cost of the Mediterranean. Tribal ties were extremely important Muslims submitted to the will of good and they became one of the UMMAH. Muhammad wouldn't shut up about their was only one god which was really bad news for the Quraysh Tribe because they were in charged of the idol in Mecca. A person who submits to Allah is called a Muslim. The Kaaba is a meteorite sized of a basketball. Western People know so little about Islamic history because we don't learn about it because were taught that our history is the story of Christianity in Europe when in fact our history is history about the world. In the time of Muhammad, many colt statues of the Mesopotamia gods were collected and put in the Kaaba. The Five Pillar of Islam Shahadah: Acceptance of Muhammad, Salat: Prayer, Zakat: Alms, Sawm of Ramadan: Fasting and Haji: Pilgrimage of Mecca. The Five Pillars of Islam are the basic acts that Sunni Muslims must do. To most muslims, the 72 virgins do not exist. The Koran is the word of god. Islam has supplementary sacred text. Abraham was included in the Koran, like lots of other prophets. The Koran is the bible of the Muslim religion, so to speak. You are not allowed to make pictures of Muhammad. Mohammed died in 632 BCE. The angel Gabriel appeared to Mohammed and told him to recite the word of god. The Koran was written by Mohammed. Mohammed became a prophet of Allah because he saw a vision of him. An adherent of Islam is called a Muslim. In Muslim religion, you must make a pilgrimage to Mecca. The disabled, poor and the sick didn't have to do much in the Muslim Religion. In Islamic religion, there is only one god, Allah.

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